Rita Seubert
University of Missouri
Final Master
Photo 1
This is a notebook my students keep all their brainstorming, techniques and writer's crafts they can try in their own writing.
Conference Research
How could I better engage with my students during a writing conference?
Why Conferences
Purpose of Conferences
Why Data Collection
Ways to Collect Data
Teaching the Writing Strategy or Craft Technique
Model of an Effective Conference
Listen, Teach and Nudge
In order to prepare myself to better engage with my students
during writing conferences, I collected research in three main areas;
conferences, purpose of conferences and model of an effective
In order for me to understand the importance of a conference, I
first had to understand the why behind them. I collected data on the
purposes of conferences. I also studied the characteristics of writing
conferences and how they work in the classroom.
Purposes for Conferences
Assessments are one purpose for conferences, while following
up on a teaching moment and teaching the writer a strategy or craft
technique, are also reasons. In Photo 1, you will observe a writer's
notebook where students keep those strategies and craft techniques
they try out in their writing pieces.
Model of an Effective Conference
Learning to listen, teach and nudge students with their writing
is an important part of a writing conference. The purpose of these
conferences is to teach the writer, not the writing.